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Lead Poisoning Attorneys – New York Still Has a Problem

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2010 | Lead Poisoning, Personal Injury

Though many people would like to think that lead poisoning is no longer a problem in this day and age, it is still poses a very serious threat to our nation’s children. Every other house constructed between 1940 and 1960 has lead-based paint coating their walls, roofs and furniture. Cities with many old buildings are especially susceptible to the dangers of lead paint poisoning.

In the US, around 250,000 children have toxic levels of lead in their blood. In certain counties in the state of New York, the number of children diagnosed with lead paint poisoning is nearing epidemic levels.

In New York City alone, it is believed that over 35,000 children aged six and below have dangerous levels of lead in their blood.

Federal and State Laws Governing Lead Paint – Attorneys New York

In an effort to address the problem, Governor David A. Paterson’s Task Force on the Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning was founded. In concert with the efforts of county and local governments, the Task Force will work to make certain that public housing where young children reside are safe and free of lead.

By federal law and state laws, property owners should:

  • Inform buyers and renters of lead-based hazards if their property was constructed before 1978
  • Include a disclosure form in leases if lead paint is present. If a landlord fails to comply, he or she may be charged $10,000 for each violation, and mayhave give compensation worth thrice the amount of whatever a renter lost due to lead poisoning. Housing authorities should be subjected to the same standard as landlords and property sellers
  • Ask tenants if any of their children are anywhere between 0-7 years of age.
  • Inspect rental properties every year for traces of lead paint

• Examine properties for lead dust after renovations

If your child has been diagnosed with toxic levels of lead in their blood, immediately seek the help of an experienced lead poisoning lawyer. New York laws state you have a legal right to compensation if it can be proven that there was landlord negligence, property seller or any other individual or party is responsible for the lead poisoning.

Contact a New York City Lead Poisoning Attorney Today!
