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Do I Need a Long Island Landlord Negligence Lawyer?

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2010 | Uncategorized

Landlord negligence is something that should not be taken lightly since landlords and property owners have a duty to maintain safe apartments, office buildings and stores. When an injury occurs because of a hazard that came to be because irresponsible maintenance, you need to consult with an experienced Long Island landlord negligence lawyer.

By reviewing the circumstances surrounding the accident that caused your injury, a Long Island landlord negligence lawyer can help you determine if your landlord is compliant with landlord and tenant laws such as building codes and city or town ordinances. The lawyer may send experienced investigators to the accident site to assess the unsafe condition, take photographs, and collect evidence.

If you are a paying tenant, your landlord should maintain a level of safety that is worth your money. In the eyes of the law, he is responsible for the speedy repair of broken elevators, steps, doors, windows, etc. Failure to have such repairs done in a timely manner may lead to accidents that result in injury or death.

Children Injured Due to Landlord Negligence

It is a tragedy of the highest order when children are injured because of landlord negligence. A Long Island landlord negligence lawyer can help children and their parents receive compensation for accidental injuries resulting from:

  • Absent or improperly installed window guards
  • Lead paint poisoning

• Poorly maintained water boilers

Creating a Basis of a Successful Landlord Negligence

In order to form the basis of a successful lawsuit, your Long Island landlord negligence lawyer must be able to prove that the accident would not have happened if the property owner had take the proper steps to maintain the safety of the building.

An experienced Long Island landlord negligence lawyer can provide you invaluable legal advice and representation. If you have not yet retained an attorney’s services yet, start looking for one now and get the compensation that’s due you.
