Ready To Fight For You

Long Island Lead Poisoning Attorneys for Children

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2010 | Lead Poisoning, Personal Injury

Despite the serious threat lead poisoning poses to children, many landlords, paint and pigment manufacturers remain negligent and careless. Since the effects of lead poisoning on children include mild to moderate brain damage, these children are entitled to be compensated by those whose negligence resulted to the poisoning.

Although the effects of lead poisoning are permanent and irreversible, an experienced Long Island lead poisoning attorney can help parents get the economic compensation needed to fund a child’s specialized schooling, occupational therapy, future medical care, and other support services.

How a Long Island Lead Poisoning Attorney Can Help Your Family

Just like other toxic tort cases, lead paint poisoning cases require experienced attorneys possessing expertise with lead poisoning cases. The first thing a Long Island lead poisoning attorney does in any childhood lead poisoning case is finding the source of the lead with the help of an experienced lead tester or certified industrial hygienist.

Next, the attorney should arrange for the poisoned child to be tested by a neurologist or neuropsychologist for evidence of lead-related injury. Pediatricians with expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of children poisoned with lead will have to be employed. As with most toxic tort cases, lead poisoning cases are vehemently defended by landlords, who usually claim that any defects the child suffers is due to bad parenting, congenital conditions, or lead from other sources. Lead poisoning knows no boundaries-children living in rural areas are just as susceptible as children living in big cities.

Know More About Lead Poisoning

If you suspect that your child has been poisoned by lead-based paint, or if you notice chipping and peeling paint in your home or apartment, you should consult:

• a Long Island lead poisoning attorney

  • your child’s pediatrician
  • your local department of public health
  • the National Lead Information Center (1-800-LEAD-FYI)
  • the Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, 28 Ostend Street., Baltimore, Maryland 212-30-4209. Call 800-370-5323 or [email us
