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What Does a Long Island Slip and Fall Lawyer Do?

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2010 | Slip And Fall

If you fall down in a restaurant, store or any other area open to the public, you are entitled to receive compensation for your injuries if it can be proven that the fall was the result of the building owner’s negligence.

A Long Island slip and fall lawyer can review your claim and the circumstances surrounding the accident. Once you give your lawyer all pertinent details, they will be able to determine your case’s merit. If you have reasonable cause to pursue a lawsuit, the lawyer will file a complaint.

The building owner’s insurance company may contact you to discuss settlement. Before signing any papers or going to the doctors suggested by the insurance company, consult your Long Island slip and fall lawyer to determine if the company is indeed offering you fair compensation.

Determining the Worth of Your Slip and Fall Settlement

At first glance, an insurance company’s offer may seem generous. But if you look at the big picture, you may find yourself being handed the short end of the stick. The package may include coverage of all your current needs, but there may be future expenses related to your injuries that you may not realize. If the amount offered does not cover these future expenses, you may find yourself struggling financially for many years. Only a Long Island slip and fall lawyer will be able to determine if your injuries justify a lawsuit.

Going to Trial

Most of the slip and fall accidents do not end up going to trial and will settle out of court. Your attorney will decide if it is wise to settle or if you should attempt a trial. If you go to trial, you will most likely be suing the insurance company that protects the property owner.

Your attorney should have all information concerning your slip and fall accident, including medical records. They have to gather as much information as they can in order to support your claim. Continue to see your doctor throughout the case so you can always provide your Long Island slip and fall lawyer updated medical evidence.
