Even though the use of lead paint has been outlawed in New York more than 40 years ago, Long Island lead poisoning attorneys still foresee more cases for them to handle. This is because many landlords still have not taken the time to eliminate traces of lead from their properties. Every day, children throughout Long Island and the entire state are diagnosed with lead poisoning.
If your child has been diagnosed with lead poisoning, a Long Island lead poisoning attorney can help your family get the maximum money award available. Since the poisoning is not your fault, we will help you get the money from those liable so you do not have to pay for all that expensive treatment and care.
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Children who have been in contact with lead may suffer damage to the nervous system including the brain, which can stunt their growth, impair hearing, lower IQ scores, and make learning difficult. Doctors and Long Island lead poisoning attorneys agree that these children are in danger of developing learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and kidney failure. At very high levels, lead can cause seizures, coma, and even death. Parents often claim that they only discover that their child has toxic levels of lead when their doctors do blood tests during annual checkups. Children are especially at risk because their bodies absorb lead more easily than adult bodies do.
Children living in old and poorly maintained housing or in housing under renovation, face the greatest risk. All children are at risk of exposure to lead whether they live in suburban or rural areas.
New Law in NYC
Long Island lead poisoning attorneys and claimants alike are hopeful because New York City now has a controversial new law forcing landlords to test for and remove lead paint in apartments where families with young children reside. Landlords must send annual notices to find out the ages of tenants, complete testing and hire certified workers to remove any lead hazards discovered.
The new law requires an owner to eliminate lead-based paint from a flat that is home to a child younger than 6. It passed over a veto from the Mayor and a challenge in court by landlords who argue that it will cost them too much to keep our children from being poisoned.