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The Two Types Of Slip And Fall Accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 15, 2011 | Slip And Fall

The first and more common type of slip and fall accident is the same-level fall. Same-level slip and fall accidents can be further fall into one of four categories:

1. Trip-and-fall accidents occur when pedestrians encounter a foreign object in their path;
2. stump-and-fall accidents occur when a moving foot encounters an obstruction in the walking surface, whether it is a adhesive point on the surface or a defect that blocks the foot;

3. step-and-fall accidents occur when the foot finds an unanticipated flaw or depression in the walking surface; and
4. Slip-and-fall accidents occur when the interface of the footwear and the floor is incapable of supporting the walker’s center of gravity over the base area.

Second Type: Elevated Falls

As earlier specified, elevated falls happen less often, but usually cause more serious injuries that generally lead to certain kinds of long-term damage to the function of a specific body part. Elevated falls can occur from automobiles, motor-powered equipment, stepladders, loading waterfronts, edifices, and any surface which is above ground level and upon which a person can position himself or herself.

Falls from Ladders

There are various kinds of ladders that you can buy in the market and you can fall off of any of them-especially if you do not use them properly. They can be immobile or transportable, stepladders and straight-extension ladders. The non-essential features they may have vary from ladder to ladder. They may be made off metal, plastic, wood or fiberglass and therefore they can be very light, very heavy, or anything in between.

Falls from Automobiles and Equipment

Extra riders on tractors and trucks risk sustaining severe injuries and even death. Therefore, people should not ride a vehicle if it is already carrying a load pushing its maximum capacity.

Falls from Loading Docks

Loading docks are hazardous not only because they are several feet off of the ground, but also because they are usually in an area where there is heavy traffic. Such areas and are bound to be full of walking surfaces that are made dangerous by spills and splashes. In addition, metal dock plates are typically worn smooth due to many of years of use and tend to be extremely slick.
