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Construction Accidents Law

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2012 | Construction Accidents

Construction accidents law involves personal injury and wrongful death cases caused by construction accidents. It also deals with safety laws, guidelines and principles governing the construction industry.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the principal governing body for construction site safety. Most states have also implemented some form of safety regulations.

Construction accidents can range from trivial to tragic, and often result in death. The kinds of injuries one can sustain from these accidents include: amputations; loss of sight; loss of hearing; fractures; burns; coma; concussion; paralysis; severed spinal cord; Traumatic Brain Injury; and a whole lot more. These accidents can be the consequence of the negligence of others, malfunctioning construction equipment; substandard products; faulty machines; poor safety or equipment training, as well as careless or irresponsible co-workers.

Some construction workers are restricted by law to getting only workers’ compensation for their construction injuries. However, in many instances, workers can also recover damages from partly or totally accountable parties, who are not their employer, for causing their injuries, based upon principles of negligence and product liability. If a worker is harmed because of reasons other than job safety, such as substandard tools or equipment, the injured worker may be entitled to file a personal injury claim against the manufacturer. He or she may also be able to recover damages from the owner of the site and the general contractor. The liable party may be held legally responsible for damages, including medical expenses, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.

Several parties may be liable for construction accidents. They include the construction site owner, architects and engineering professionals, contractors, construction managers, and construction machinery/equipment manufacturing companies. In some states if workers are injured because of a OSHA regulation violation, the construction company is negligent and liable for injuries.
