Ready To Fight For You

New York Slip And Fall Lawyer

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2012 | Slip And Fall

Whenever a person is hurt in a slip and fall accident, the outcome can be overwhelming. Spinal problems, fractures and even brain impairment are not uncommon. In a heartbeat, a slip and fall can alter a person’s life immensely. It is essential to get in touch with a New York slip and fall lawyer without delay.

Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of personal injuries in the State of New York and throughout the country. Every so often, slip and fall accidents are caused by someone else’s negligence. Maybe a property owner did not clear debris from his sidewalk. Maybe a store ignored a slick in the aisle.

The victim of a slip and fall might possess legal rights to recover financial damages. If a person is hurt in a slip and fall accident, the victim must immediately seek the advice of a knowledgeable New York slip and fall lawyer.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in the state of New York, you have to…

Seek a medical evaluation of your injuries

Medical attention for injuries caused by a slip and fall accident is vital. Immediate treatment helps relieve pain and injury and reduces the likelihood of complications. Brain, spinal and neck injuries could lead to lasting health consequences.

Gather evidence

If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, attempt to gather evidence of the property owner’s injurious negligence. If possible, take pictures of what caused you to slip. If anyone witnessed the accident, get their names and contact information. If the accident site is on a commercial property, request the property manager to accomplish an accident report. A New York slip and fall lawyer can use this evidence to prove your case.

Get in touch with a slip and fall lawyer

A New York slip and fall lawyer with years of experience is best qualified to fight for your legal rights. The attorney will know how to gather and preserve evidence of the accident and will guarantee compliance with important court filing cutoff dates.
