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When To Contact A Long Island Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2013 | Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing homes are slowly becoming a more highly investigated option for caregivers, sons and daughters, even spouses, when it comes to providing for an aging loved one. In many circumstances, residents of nursing homes are able to convey thoughts and emotions coherently, but for those who can’t, family members must vigorously and relentlessly pursue a line of quality care that measures up to legal standards. Often, it is advisable to seek the help of a Long Island nursing home negligence lawyer.

What is Nursing Home Negligence?

Nursing home negligence is, unfortunately, a very real problem in today’s society. While many hold the belief that nursing home negligence is a result not of outright abuse, but of underpaid, physically and mentally over-taxed state workers, it still happens. Nursing home negligence occurs when workers, charged with the care of an individual who needs consistent supervision and assistance in daily tasks, fail to meet the standards of care conducive to said individual maintaining his or her quality of life.

Signs of Nursing Home Negligence

While individual circumstances may vary, the moral responsibility of caregivers is to watch for changes in their loved one’s behavior, mood or physical condition. These changes may be subtle, so consistent reviews of overall health are important.

Signs of nursing home negligence include bedsores, which afford infection the opportunity to enter the blood stream directly; cuts or bruises that seem out of the ordinary, including those that may appear to have risen in the form of hand or finger prints; and sudden lethargy or depression. As those who suffer dementia become particularly susceptible to memory manipulation, watch for items that go missing on a consistent basis, like eye glasses or, in some cases, cash.

Time to Get a Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, it’s time to investigate. Many people hesitate when it comes to contacting a lawyer about suspicions that their loved one may be subjected to nursing home abuse and neglect, but contacting a lawyer is the first step, even if you think you may be wrong. A Long Island nursing home negligence lawyer can offer you a consultation, free of charge and free of judgment, where you can discuss any concerns that you may have about your loved one’s long term care.

Not only can a Long Island nursing home negligence lawyer guide you through the legal system as it relates to the standards of caregiving in nursing home facilities, but can offer advice on how to gather evidence legally. They can also advise you of things to watch for, and can assist you in filing a nursing home neglect suit on behalf of your loved one.

If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home negligence or abuse, contact the experienced Long Island nursing home negligence lawyers at The Law Offices of Mark E. Weinberger today for a free consultation.
