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Signs Of Lead Poisoning In Children And Adults

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2013 | Lead Poisoning

Although people often come into contact with lead, a known dangerous substance, it is usually when this contact occurs over a long period of time or in concentrated doses that it can lead to a dangerous health complication known as lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is the result of lead buildup in a person’s body and can be extremely dangerous for both children and adults.

Unfortunately, many people sustain lead poisoning due to the negligence of property owners, manufacturers, or other negligent parties who allow lead-based substances, such as paint, to be used in their properties or products. When this serious health complication affects children, it is typically due to lead paint in toys or household products, while adults typically suffer from lead poisoning due to working with batteries, completing home makeovers, or working in automotive stores. While the effects of lead poisoning can be extremely devastating, especially if it results in fatality, any victim may be able to hold the party responsible for exposing them to lead poisoning accountable with the help of a New York lead poisoning attorney.

Signs Indicating Lead Poising in Children

Sadly, children are the ones that are both most susceptible to lead poisoning and most likely to suffer debilitating and serious, even life-long, health problems as a result of exposure to lead. Additionally, newborns may suffer from slightly different health problems as a result of lead poisoning. These signs of lead poisoning in a newborn include:

  • Delayed growth
  • Difficulty learning

Children, on the other hand, can suffer from numerous symptoms as a result of lead poisoning, such as:

  • Increased irritability
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Pain in the stomach and/or abdomen
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased appetite
  • Being constipated
  • Difficulty learning

When a child is demonstrating these symptoms of lead poisoning, medical treatment should be sought immediately. Because of these serious health issues that lead poisoning presents and the ease with which lead can contaminate the air, soil, and water, property owners and manufacturers should be extremely careful in making sure they don’t allow lead in their homes and businesses or products; otherwise, they may face a lawsuit filed by a New York lead poisoning attorney.

Adults and Signs of Lead Poisoning

While adults may not suffer from lead poisoning as often as children may, they are still able to develop this serious health issue if they are exposed to lead in high concentrations or over a long period of time. Because excessive amounts of lead in the body can affect a child and adult differently, the symptoms that an adult may exhibit when they have lead poisoning are different and include:

  • Unusually high blood pressure
  • Weakness in the muscles
  • Decreased mental capacity and functioning
  • Pain, tingling, and/or numbness in the fingers, hands, feet, or toes
  • Extreme headaches
  • Loss of memory
  • Mood changes and disorders

Additionally, a woman who has a miscarriage or a premature baby, or a man who has decreased numbers of sperm or abnormal sperm could potentially be suffering from lead poisoning, especially if they are exhibiting other signs of this health problem.

Contact a Lead Poisoning Attorney

When a child or adult unduly suffers from lead poisoning, a New York lead poisoning attorney may be able to help the victim obtain financial compensation for their suffering and losses. As the medical bills associated with treatment for lead poisoning can be extremely expensive and such a health problem can dramatically alter a person’s life, getting such compensation and holding the party responsible for the poisoning accountable can be critical.

Contact the Law Offices of Mark E. Weinberger P.C., the leading New York lead poisoning attorney law firm that has helped personal injury victims for over 29 years. Call us at 516-855-3715 for a free consultation.
