Ready To Fight For You

What Auto Accident Injury Lawyers Do

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2013 | Automobile Accidents

Auto accident injury lawyers represent clients at the most vulnerable point in their lives. They understand the unique needs of accident victims, and they guide them through the ins and outs of the legal system. They’re not afraid to go to trial, but they also know when a pretrial settlement is the best result for their clients.

Vulnerable victims

Few legal clients are as vulnerable as an auto accident victim. The trauma of a car crash can cause severe pain, permanent physical damage and serious emotional distress. Many victims need surgery, and some never completely recover from their injuries. In some cases, the entire family suffers because an injured breadwinner can no longer earn an income or an injured parent can no longer prepare meals and care for young children. An automobile accident can be a life-changing event for victims of all ages.

Case assessment

Experienced auto accident injury lawyers have handled hundreds, if not thousands, of accident claims. They identify all the parties that might be legally liable for your condition, such as the other driver, the owner of the other car and any other potentially responsible parties. They develop theories about what caused the accident by talking to you, interviewing witnesses, visiting the accident scene and reviewing police reports. They determine the extent of your potential damages by analyzing treatment records, medical bills and records of the time you missed from work. Most lawyers can provide you with an estimate of the settlement amount you might receive in an auto injury case once they have information about your accident.

Settlement negotiations

A lawyer’s experience and reputation can impact the amount of damages you will receive for a claim. Auto accident injury lawyers handle other types of injury cases, too, such as slip-and-fall cases, construction injury cases and other negligence cases. Most of these injuries are insured losses, and lawyers deal with insurance adjusters as part of their day’s work. Insurance adjusters know who the tough negotiators are. They know they won’t get away with a low-ball settlement when those attorneys are on a case.

Contingent fees

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. They receive a percentage of the settlement they negotiate for you. That means they don’t get paid until a case is over, and they don’t get paid at all for their fees if you receive nothing. This unique attorney fee arrangement makes auto accident injury lawyers motivated to maximize the settlement their client receives.

An experienced personal injury attorney can tell you if your claim is worth pursuing. Your first visit is free, so you have nothing to lose. Call the Law Offices of Mark E. Weinberger at 516-855-3715 or fill out a contact form.
