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Motorcycle Accidents Are Often Contentious, Even In Long Island

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2015 | Motorcycle Accidents

Even though motorcycles are generally more dangerous than cars, many of us get excited and become bolder when we see one roaring down the road. Unfortunately, many passenger car and truck drivers are inattentive, making the likelihood of a collision for a motorcyclist – and serious injuries – higher than normal. In a car or truck, a driver and his or her passengers are protected by the vehicle’s frame, seat belt, and even airbags upon impact. On the contrary, a rider on a motorcycle can be ejected from the bike – resulting in serious injuries or even death.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle or vehicle accident, contact a Long Island motorcycle accident lawyer today to advocate on your behalf and seek the damages to which you may be entitled.

Motorcycle Statistics

The Association for Safe International Road Travel notes that over 37,000 people meet their death on U.S. roads each year. What is worse, over 2 million are injured or disabled as the result of these accidents. The effects of these tragedies go beyond just the injuries of individuals or property – road crashes cost the U.S. more than $2.3 billion each year. This number takes into account hard and soft costs such as medical expenses, lost wages, employer costs, property damage, and other related expenses.

Motorcycles are thrilling, often bringing adventures that would not happen otherwise. Notwithstanding, motorcycles are less stable (and less visible) than vehicles or trucks, often having higher speed capacities than most passenger cars. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the number of motorcycle deaths is about 30 times higher than vehicle accident deaths.

Approximately 4,667 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents in 2012, with more than 40 percent of these deaths occurring in single-vehicle crashes. At least half involved multiple vehicles. Statistically, as much as 91 percent of motorcyclists killed that year were male; 63 percent of the females who died in these crashes were passengers.

New York Motorcycle Claims

Motorcycle claims can be quite contentious, as paying out these claims can be very expensive for an insurance carrier. Consequently, many times the insurer will use every tactic at its disposal to deny claims, delay payments, and wait to respond to requests to find a way to get out of awarding benefits. Likewise, insurance companies will take advantage of obscure policy provisions and misleading contract language to avoid liability.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Nassau County or greater NY area?

In order to protect yourself or a loved one after an accident, the best action to take is to consult with a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer. In the meantime, it is important to carefully read your insurance policy and record, in writing, every communication with the insurance company. Finally, do not give up or accept less payment than you should. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Mark E. Weinberger will fight to seek damages you or your loved one deserves.

Speak to one of our legal professionals about your Long Island motorcycle accident today.
