You likely count on your ability to go to work each day. You need to be able to earn a living. So, what happens if you are injured and can’t work? You might feel like this is a hopeless situation, but it isn’t. You do have the option of seeking workers’ compensation. This can cover the medical bills and might provide you with an income when you can’t earn your paycheck.
There are many points that impact a workers’ compensation claim. One of these is that you might wonder if you have any courses of action if the workers’ compensation benefits aren’t enough to cover your expenses. The answer to this is that you might have some recourse, but it is likely very limited.
When employers have workers’ compensation insurance coverage, they aren’t going to be able to be sued by employees who are injured at work. This is why the coverage is so important. It protects the employer and ensures the employee will get benefits.
There is a time when a lawsuit might be possible, but the defendant won’t be your employer. If you are injured by a defective item, such as a chainsaw that had a defective safety mechanism, you might be able to file a third-party lawsuit against the manufacturer of the item.
We realize that you might have some question about workers’ compensation and third-party lawsuits. These cases can get complex quickly. We are here to answer your questions and help you find options that might provide you with ways to get the compensation you deserve.