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Construction Worker Killed When Window Crushed Him

On Behalf of | Apr 10, 2018 | Construction Accidents

In March, a 34-year-old construction worker was killed at a work site in Jamaica, Queens. The site is one that is known to have had safety violations in the past, including 37 open violations that were issued by the Environmental Control Board.

The brother-in-law of the man who died noted that he didn’t feel like he was safe at that site. A stop-work order on the four-building complex was issued in December 2017. Despite this fact, work resumed. Now, one of the workers who trusted his employer to keep him safe can’t support his family any longer.

The incident that led to the man’s death involved a pane of glass. A forklift operator crushed the man when he dropped the window against a wall. Unfortunately, not much else has been released about the accident, but the fact remains that the man’s family is now left grieving.

There isn’t any reason why any employee should have to worry about whether he or she is going to make it home or not. Everyone deserves to have a safe working environment. Yet, some construction companies put the almighty dollar before the value of human life. This puts the workers at great risk.

Family members who are left behind after a construction site death often wonder what they can do. In some cases, they might think that there isn’t anything because their loved one was an immigrant. This might not be the case. It would behoove anyone who has lost a loved one at a construction site to find out what options they have for seeking compensation.

Source: QNS, “Officials call for investigation into death of construction worker at Jamaica site,” March 26, 20
