Ready To Fight For You

Is Your Workplace Safe?

On Behalf of | May 28, 2018 | Workers' Compensation

You may have been working at your construction site for almost five years. You wear a hard hat every day, and make sure to take the necessary precautions. How do you know if that construction site is safe?

What exactly is a safe workplace?

Workplace safety is the first thing you should consider with any job. Especially, if you work in mining, pharmaceuticals, construction, chemicals or even working for the police department. Employers are responsible for workplace safety, including orientation and training. Companies should monitor the place where you work for safety hazards. The employers may face penalties if the appropriate safety standards are not met.

According to the United States Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Act of 1970, there are federal laws in place to protect workers just like you. Under the OSHA Act, employers are required to provide a safe and healthy workplace. OSHA’s mission is to ensure safe and wholesome workplaces by setting standards, and by proving outreach, support and instruction. Bosses must fulfill all OSHA standards. Employers must also follow the general duty clause of the OSHA Act, which wants companies to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards.

Here are some things you can be on the lookout for to know if you have a safe workplace:

  • Research to see if the safety gear provided by your employer is high-quality. If not, you may want to let your employer know that it needs to be replaced; it could possibly save someone’s life.
  • Are employees properly trained for their jobs? If not, it could be a safety risk.
  • Do you see your employer always following the safety rules? If so, that also means they will not tolerate anyone else breaking the rules.
  • Does your company live the “safety first” rule? If so, that means safety will unlikely be compromised, even if it means growing expenses or missing a deadline.
  • Research if your employer has a worker’s compensation insurance policy. This policy will cover you if you are in an accident while working.
  • Make sure your employer does not employ anyone without a valid license for what they do. They should always hire people who are certified for their job.
  • Your employer should run safety audits regularly. These periodic checks make sure that all safety standards are upheld. It also ensures all safety equipment and measures are updated.

Feeling safe at your job should not be an exception. Your employer should know what is and is not considered a safe workplace. If you feel like you are still unsure about your workplace, maybe an attorney can help.
