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5 Things You Should Never Do On A Scaffold

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2018 | Construction Accidents

New York hardhats work on scaffolds every day, but that doesn’t make these devices any less of a safety risk. In fact, the longer you work at elevation on a scaffold, the more likely you are to suffer a serious accident. Therefore, it’s vital that you stay alert to all safety risks associated with these vital pieces of construction equipment. Doing so could very well save your life.

With safe scaffold use in mind, here are five things you should never do on an erect scaffold:

  • Never take chances. Employ your common sense when using a scaffold. There is no way that your job pays you enough to risk getting hurt or killed on the job. If a situation looks dangerous or risky in any way, notify your employer and refuse to use the scaffold until the issue has been resolved.
  • Never overload the scaffold. Every scaffold has a weight rating. Keep this rating in mind and never be tempted to overload the device. If overloading becomes a risk, ask your employer for a sturdier scaffold that’s appropriate for the task at hand.
  • Never have loose debris, tools and materials on the scaffold. Loose items n your scaffold could fall and hit someone in the head. They could also trip you. Keep everything on your scaffold securely tied down, organized and out of your way.
  • Never use a scaffold in bad weather. If it’s raining, snowing, windy or if the weather is bad in any way, don’t use the scaffold until the bad weather has cleared.
  • Don’t strike the scaffold. It might be tempting to adjust the position of your scaffold by hitting it with a piece of wood, a forklift or something else. This is dangerous, as it could weaken the structure and send it crashing down.

If you were hurt while using a scaffold in New York, learn more about your legal rights and options with regard to the pursuit of a workers’ comp claim to pay for your medical care and time spent unable to work.
