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FDA Moves To Prohibit Lead In Hair Dyes

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2018 | Products Liability

Dangers can lurk in many different products. This includes cosmetic products. For one, there can be the potential for such goods to contain harmful chemicals. This is one of the reasons why individuals may want to take a careful look at the ingredients list of the cosmetic products they are considering buying.

Dangerous chemicals in consumer goods can create risks for a range of different health problems. It is important to note that individuals harmed by chemicals in cosmetic products here in New York may have routes for pursuing compensation through the civil legal system.

One example of hazardous chemicals in cosmetic products is lead in hair dyes. For a time, it was not uncommon for certain types of hair dyes to contain lead acetate. While most companies have stopped using lead acetate in hair dye, the chemical is still used in some such products.

However, it appears that this will soon be changing. The federal government recently made a move to get lead acetate out of hair dyes in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration has opted to shift lead acetate to no longer being an acceptable additive in hair dyes under federal regulations. Reportedly, the agency will be giving hair dye companies a year to adjust their products to comply with the new rules.

What do you think of this recent move? Are there any other moves you would like to see the federal government make when it comes to hair dyes or other cosmetic products?
