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Steps To Take When Making A Car Insurance Claim

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2019 | Uncategorized

Making a car insurance claim is more difficult than it sounds, as it’s critical to take all the right steps at the right time. For example, if you pass the entire process off to your agent, assuming they’ll do what’s best for you, it’s possible that you will miss out on compensation that you deserve.

Here are five of the most important things to do when making a car insurance claim:

  • Call your agent as soon as possible: Your health and safety take top priority, but don’t hesitate to contact your agent the second you find the time to do so. This gives you the opportunity to not only file a claim, but also provide basic information as to what went wrong.
  • Review your policy: It’s easy to be taken advantage of when you don’t understand the coverage provided by your policy. You pay for insurance coverage every month, so you should receive benefits accordingly.
  • Don’t answer questions you don’t understand: If you say the wrong thing to your agent when filing a claim, it’s possible they’ll use the information against you. If you don’t understand a question or don’t feel comfortable answering, explain this to your agent. It’s best to consult with a personal injury attorney before doing anything, as they can help protect your legal rights.
  • Collect evidence: This can include but is not limited to photos of the accident scene and your injuries, police report and medical bills.
  • Take notes of every conversation you have: Any time you speak with an insurance representative, write down the name of the person, what was said, the time and date.

There’s a lot to do after a car accident, with filing an insurance claim among the most important. Once you start the process, you can then work closely with your legal team to ensure that you’re taking steps to receive all the compensation you deserve.

Even if you have a good relationship with your insurance company, it doesn’t mean they won’t attempt to “pull one over” on you.

Visit our website and browse our blog for more advice on what to do after a car accident.
