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Where Is The Safest Place In A Ride-Hailing Vehicle?

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2021 | Car Accidents

If you regularly use Uber, Lyft or another ride-hailing service, you undoubtedly appreciate the convenience of letting someone else drive. You also do not have to pay for maintenance or wear and tear on your car. Still, ride-hailing vehicles are not immune from serious car accidents.

While you likely cannot control the actions of ride-hailing drivers, you can take some steps to stay safe in their vehicles. Picking the right place to sit is a critical component of your overall safety strategy.

The back of the vehicle

In the past, rear seats were generally safer than those in the front. Because of modern safety enhancements, this may no longer be the case. Still, if you sit in the back of a ride-hailing vehicle, you may be less of a distraction to the driver. If the driver maintains focus, of course, you may have a greater chance of reaching your destination without having an accident.

The passenger side

When climbing into a ride-hailing vehicle, you must watch for approaching traffic. If you can do so safely, you may want to board on the passenger side. By sitting on the right side of the car, you have a clearer view of both the driver and traffic. This may give you an opportunity to alert the driver to potential hazards.

The seat belt

Regardless of where you sit in a ride-hailing vehicle, you should always wear your seat belt properly. After all, seat belts save thousands of lives every year, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Ultimately, you want as much control as possible when riding in someone else’s vehicle. By fastening your seat belt and sitting in an appropriate place, you may not have to contend with the potentially painful and costly consequences of a catastrophic accident-related injury.
