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3 Ways To Protect Yourself When Riding On A Motorcycle

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2021 | Motorcycle Accidents

Warmer weather is here, and it is time to get the motorcycle out of storage. Are you getting antsy and cannot wait to get out on the road?

First, calm yourself down and remember that you may not get to your destination if you do not protect yourself when you ride. Here are five ways to ensure you get where you are going.

1. Wear a helmet

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helmets saved almost 1,900 lives in 2016. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states helmets reduce death by 37% and decrease head injuries by 69%.

Facts show helmets keep you safe, and the state of New York requires you wear one. If your helmet is old or became damaged in a crash, get a new one.

2. Drive defensively

Be proactive and stay defensive when you drive. Compensate for others’ inability to pay attention to the road. Leave enough space to stop if a vehicle cuts in front of you. Pay attention to the speed of other vehicles, and do not be the one to zip in and out of traffic.

3. Be visible

If you like to ride at night, make sure you are visible. Wear reflective material or put strips on your clothes, helmet and boots. Wearing fluorescent colors such as orange, green and yellow may increase the chances of another vehicle seeing you.

There will always be a need for safety when riding a motorcycle. Follow these tips and obey the rules of the road to get you to your destination in one piece.
