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3 Alternatives To A Workers’ Comp Claim For Construction Injuries

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2022 | Personal Injury

Construction sites can be dangerous, and as a construction worker, you face unique risks of injury. Potentially debilitating accidents, such as falls, electrocutions, and burns, are common on construction sites, especially when proper safety features are not in place.

New York law requires most businesses to maintain insurance to cover workers’ compensation claims. If you get injured working on a site for a company that does not have valid insurance, you might wonder about your options. There are other options for seeking compensation for your damages.

File a claim with the UEF

One option is to file a claim with your state’s uninsured employers’ fund. This state-managed fund pays you for damages when the liable company does not have valid workers’ compensation coverage. Your claim should cover anything that a company’s insurance policy normally would.

File a personal injury suit

Another option for seeking compensation is to file a personal injury lawsuit against the company. This allows you or your family to receive payment directly from the company for:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Disfigurement
  • Wrongful death

Since you can only receive limited benefits from a workers’ compensation claim, a personal injury suit could allow you to recover more of your actual damages.

File a third-party claim

If you work for an uninsured subcontractor, you might be able to file a claim for your injuries through a different party’s insurance. The project owner, project manager, or general contractor could hold workers’ compensation insurance that covers your damages.

Construction site accidents can result in severe and potentially life-threatening injuries. Ensure you get the compensation you deserve by understanding your legal options.
