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What Documents Do I Need For My Personal Injury Claim?

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2023 | Personal Injury

If you get injured in an accident, you may face long-lasting trauma and unexpected bills.

As a victim, you have three years from the date of the incident to file a claim. Once you set things in motion, documentation plays a crucial role in your case. Ensure you gather the four documents listed below.

1. Incident reports

Depending on the location and type of incident, the fire or police department may have come to the scene. Get a copy of this report and any witness information. If the accident happened at a business, many have policies in place to file an incident report. Obtaining this report provides needed evidence to support your case.

2. Medical reports

No matter how small the injury seems, always seek medical attention. Your medical reports will verify the time frame of the incident as well as the injuries you sustained. Your doctor will also provide documentation of your treatment plan. If you had any surgeries or illnesses within the past year, you will also want to acquire those records.

3. Expenses and bills

Save any bills you receive associated with the incident. Along with doctor bills, this may include expenses associated with traveling for medical treatment or equipment needed while you recuperate. Maintain a record of any lost wages.

4. Treatment diary

Immediately after the doctor’s visit, start a journal regarding your treatment. Filing a lawsuit takes time, which makes it easy to forget the suffering you went through.

When the unexpected happens, due diligence and planning may make it easier to recoup your losses.
