With Labor Day weekend upon us, it is a good opportunity to revisit the importance of safety on the roads. The National Safety Council reports that 2.5 million rear end collisions occur each year, making them the most frequent accident on U.S. roads. Damages from fender benders may seem minute, but they are actually quite expensive. Americans typically spend $164 billion every year repairing cars after rear end collisions. Also, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) indicates that the cost of treating neck and back injuries from rear-end collisions has grown to $8.5 million per year.
Naturally, you can avoid being hit from behind by paying attention to what’s going on around you. This can be done by adjusting your rear and side mirrors so that you can see hazards (or avoid being one yourself). You should be wary of problems up ahead that could make drivers in front of you stop. Whatever problem is up ahead will be your issue very quickly.
Also, stay away from drivers who tailgate. If a driver insists on staying on your bumper, safely change lanes and let the driver pass. Staying out of blind spots is also helpful. If a vehicle swerves into your lane, you might slam on the brakes to avoid a collision, but it increases the chances you will be rear-ended.
While the preceding is not intended to be legal advice, following these guidelines can help you to avoid being rear-ended. If you are in such an accident, an experienced personal injury attorney can advise you of your rights and options.