Getting behind the wheel of your vehicle each day is a risk that not many people realize they are taking. Driving is a dangerous task. Even if you are the safest of drivers, you can never trust that other drivers around you will be just as safe. There’s so many things that can go wrong when driving, including getting into an accident in Rockville Centre because of other drivers. Below are some injuries you might suffer in a car accident.
Broken bones are very common injuries suffered in car accidents. Arms, legs and even neck bones can be broken in these accidents. It’s not uncommon for accident victims to brace themselves if they know that an accident is imminent. When bracing yourself for impact, it can make it easier for your bones to break upon impact.
Another injury that can be suffered in a car accident is head trauma. Even if the airbags deploy, your head can still suffer trauma. This occurs if your head hits the steering wheel, the side window or the dashboard, or slams back against the headrest of your seat.
Victims of car accidents can also suffer injuries related to the spine. Paralyzation can happen in even the most minor of accidents. It all depends on how the neck and/or spine is affected by the crash.
Victims can also wind up suffering from pinched nerves, which can cause quite a bit of pain in the arms and legs. Pinched nerves can lead to numbness of the extremities and other issues with movement.
Have you or a loved one been injured in a New York car accident? First off, you should seek immediate medical attention. Anything you do following an accident should be documented in order to protect your rights as a victim.