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What Does The Workers’ Compensation Process Look Like?

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2022 | Workers' Compensation

A workplace accident can suddenly change your daily life on a short or even long-term basis. The injuries you incur can affect your ability to return to work and perform normal daily tasks.

The workers’ compensation system can provide benefits to help you recover from the accident and your injuries. But for you to obtain these benefits, there is a specific process that must occur beforehand.

Steps you should take

Seek medical treatment for your injury right away and let your doctor know that this is a work-related injury. Let your employer know about the accident and your injury and within 30 days, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board states that you must provide notice in writing.

Once you let your employer know about the accident, inform the Workers’ Compensation Board of your injury by filing an Employee Claim (Form C-3). Ask your employer if there are any alternative duties you can take on to help you remain at work as you recover.

The role of your employer and the insurer

Your employer has 10 days after a workplace accident happens to let his or her workers’ compensation insurer know about the situation. Within two weeks after the insurer receives your employer’s notification, you should receive a written Statement of Rights (Form C-430S).

You should start receiving workers’ compensation benefits after this process concludes. However, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer may dispute your claim and refuse to provide benefits, making it imperative for you to take steps to protect your rights.
